8 july 2021

Farwind has been rewarded as one of the 69 laureates at the 23rd national i– Lab innovation competition. The competition is organized by the French Ministry of Research in partnership with BPI France. This prestigious and highly competitive national contest supports the best projects for new innovative technology companies with financial non-dilutive and adapted support. More than 3,817 young companies have already been rewarded.
Farwind wins the SmartPort Challenge in Marseille

Farwind wins the SmartPort Challenge in Marseille

3 august 2021An open innovation programme initiated by the Port of Marseille Fos, the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Aix-Marseille University, the Smartport Challenge aims to develop innovative solutions to build the port of...

Farwind wins the SmartPort Challenge in Marseille

Farwind wins the SmartPort Challenge in Marseille

3 august 2021An open innovation programme initiated by the Port of Marseille Fos, the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Aix-Marseille University, the Smartport Challenge aims to develop innovative solutions to build the port of...