The aim of MAGHIC 2 is to unblock the use of wind power in the Caribbean Sea, thereby contributing to the decarbonization of maritime transport.

The project also aims to strengthen the networking of research, development and innovation players around maritime ageing, and to support innovation initiatives within Caribbean companies around the rotor sail concept.

MAGHIC 2 is supported by INTERREG Caraïbes.

Project partners

FARWIND Energy is the project leader, with Société Anonyme de la Raffinerie des Antilles, the University of the West Indies, the University of Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean Maritime University and Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas.

Project Achievements

Project achievements will be published here as the project progresses.

Q4 2024
Project Start
Work package 1

Pilot phase operational deployment of rotor sails and performance measurement

Work package 2

Study of an “energy” brick for the energy ship to unload and store H2

Work package 3

Project Management
Communication and Dissimination
Setting up of a Caribbean research group on materials ageing in tropical and maritime environments

S2 2026
Deployment of a rotor sail on board a commercial vessel
S1 2027
Results of the H2 studies
Q3 2027
End of the project