Reduce your fuel consumption by 10 to 40%

Your stakes

On January 1, 2023, it became mandatory for all ships to calculate their existing ship energy efficiency index (EEXI), and to establish their operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating.

By 2030, non-compliant ships will no longer be able to operate: the IMO has set ambitious targets of a 20% to 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030, and neutrality by 2050.

To reduce emissions now, the shipping industry can play on a number of different solutions: from speed reduction to energy-efficient systems and the use of new fuels.

Our solutions

By using wind energy to provide auxiliary propulsion, rotor sails have been shown to increase ship efficiency, reducing fuel consumption and harmful emissions.

Compared with other wind propulsion technologies, rotor sails offer much greater thrust to propel the vessel per square meter of sail area. They can therefore be manufactured more cost-effectively and with less impact on vessel operation than traditional sails with a smaller deck footprint.

The Farwind rotor sail: one of the most efficient propulsion systems on the market.

Rotor sails: THE most suitable sailing propulsion system

A sea-proven concept for 100 years

A rotor sail is an active sail. It consumes a fraction of energy to convert the incoming wind into a powerful propulsive force. The physical principle – the Magnus effect – is the same as that used by a tennis lift.

The most widely used in the industry and certified on all types of vessels

Rotor sails are suitable for most types of vessel, whether new or retrofitted, bulk carriers, tankers, LNG and LPG carriers, ferries or ro-ro vessels.

Failsafe & fewer moving parts

The rotor sails comply with the highest marine quality standards and go into a safe position in the event of a fault. Thanks to their efficiency, less integration is required for a given power output, making better use of maintenance CAPEX.

Fully Automated and easy to handle

When the wind is favorable, the rotor sails automatically switch on and adjust the rotation speed to ensure maximum economy. The crew can also monitor rotor sail performance via the control unit.


Farwind Energy has developed a particularly innovative and durable rotor sail solution, allowing to reduce the cost of the sail compared to an equivalent propulsive force.

  • Several patents have been registered.
  • FARWIND Energy offers a range of rotor sails.
  • FARWIND Energy has the ability to define a rotor adapted to a given vessel according to its structure, its routes and its specific constraints (such as air draft or operations).

Why Farwind rotor sails?

2.5 x more powerful than the second best

Our rotor-sails offer 2.5X greater lift than other propulsion technologies. The large dimensions of our sails give them the highest energy density per m² on deck in the world.

A better use of CAPEX

The large dimensions of our sails optimize integration and foundation costs for a given power output.

Foldable at sea and in port

In port, Farwind sails can be folded if required by air draft or loading operations.
This system can also be operated on the open sea, particularly in stormy conditions, requiring minimal crew intervention and ensuring the ship’s stability in all weathers.


Our rotor sails are made from lightweight, high-tech composite materials to deliver excellent performance while minimizing additional weight.


The wind ahead of the rotor sail is accelerated, pulled in the direction of the rotor’s rotation. This faster wind has a lower pressure, like the wind over an airplane wing (but up to 10 times lower).

Meanwhile, the wind behind the rotor slows down, causing the pressure to increase. This pressure difference pushes the rotor sail forward and propels the vessel. This auxiliary propulsion can be used to increase speed or reduce fuel consumption of the main engine.

Rotor sails are the most powerful of all sail types

For the same surface area, a rotor sail propels up to 10 times more than flexible sails.

According to the International Wind Ship Association, more than half of all wind-powered installations on commercial vessels over 5,000 tonnes worldwide are rotary sails.

For what type if vessel?


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